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Prices and purchasing

   The devCad Family (click to show/hide):

   The devFoam Family (click to show/hide):

   The devWing Family (click to show/hide):

   The devFus Family (click to show/hide):

   The devCnc Foam Family (click to show/hide):

   devStl Tools (click to show/hide):

   CreaCammeTornio (click to show/hide):

Note: The 1 Year license requires an active Web connection when running the application.
You can then upgrade from a not expired 1 Year license to a Lifetime license saving the 50% of what you paid for a 1 Year license from the Lifetime license cost. If you are interested in upgrading from a 1 Year license to a Lifetime license please write us by info@devcad.com
  See the Usb key section to have more info about the Usb key itself
  A single Usb key can store licenses for more applications.
If you are going to buy licenses for 2 or more applications, you can buy just 1 Usb key.
If you already own an Usb key of devCad series or Profili you can just buy the license you need, we'll tell you then how to store the license inside your Usb key.

  Every computer needs its own license to run each application, or you need an Usb key, which made your license movable, see the Usb key section.
  The licenses are personal, owned by a single guy or Company, and they cannot be transferred to a different guy or Company. If someone (an official reseller) wants to resell my licenses, he must as first to ask for my permission, to get an agreement with me, then he can only resell a license before activating it. Only official authorized resellers can resell licenses and/or Usb key. All other users/companies cannot move or resell licenses or Usb key to other users/companies. Breaking this rule will invalidate the license and stop my assistance.
  If you need to upgrade a license, see the Upgrade section of the web site.
  Usb key will be shipped by Priority mail (no tracking). If you need a different shipping service please ask by email to info@devcad.com .
  If you purchase the licenses with the Usb key, please note that the licenses are then part of the Usb key. So, pay attenction, if you lose the Usb key, you lose the licenses. If the Usb key is damaged don't trash it, but ship it back to me.
  I reserve the right not to supply licenses to users without the right attitude to use my application, or for whatever cause, where I can see possible problems in user satisfaction. In this case they will be refunded before to activate the licenses.
  The Try&Buy formula is applied, so the user can download the application and evaluate what it can do and in which way. If that is ok, the user can purchase the license and start to work.
After a license is purchased and activacted, it cannot be refunded.

  If you are going to change or format the computer multiple times every year, we suggest to go with the Usb key, or we can charge a fee for each password, valued as the 25% of the cost of a new license.
If in the meantime a new version is released, you'll be charged for the upgrade cost.

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