Mold by the devCad Team
DevWing Mold, the innovative application to create plugs and molds for wings
Using DevWing Mold you can create in a very simple way a plug (a positive
3D shape) or a Mold (a negative 3D shape) of a complex wing
The Project Wizard will drive you to create the shape using a step by step
approach. No Cad skills are required!
Creating a wing with a complex wing plan, different airfoils and a lot of
available settings is no more a problem. In just a few minutes you can have
your 3D wing, then you can setup the mold as a STL file .
By a 3D preview you can check every step of the creation of the wing,
and go forth and back among the project wizard panels to retouch
To download devWing Mold see the Download
section of the web site.
To get a license see the Prices section of the web
